Skiing in Iran amid the outbreak of Omicron variant of the COVID-19
Iranians, especially young people, always find a way to have fun, even when economic conditions are not good and the COVID-19 is still a threat to the world. People feel more comfortable, more secure against the outbreak of disease because of the location of ski slops and their altitude and distance from urban air pollution, which makes people drive a long way to the ski slope to stay away from the bad news of the pandemic which these days with its new leap is even more troublesome. Fortunately, despite the outbreak of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in Iran, the city of Tehran is still not in a red (high-risk) state, and people can have fun and ski on the slopes. But according to the latest report of Iran Metropolitan News Agency (IMNA), in the new situation of the prevalence of Omicron Covid-19 variation in Iran, Qom province, which is adjacent to Tehran, is in a red (high-risk) situation. If the red cities are not closed, the number of patients with Covid-19 and their hospitalization will increase.