A journey from north to south of Capital at night
For about three years and when most of the people were getting asleep, I traveled and look at the nightlife on the streets of Capital city with my camera, and tried to see the life on the streets very simple, as simple as the nightlife went on. Tehran was completely different to compare with its face during the day, it seems there was no difference between the north and the south and the only difference was the lifestyle of the people. Some people, mostly poor and homeless, were turned on the fire to warm themselves, others went to the restaurants after a working day for eating meals and some others prefer to go to their homes and rest for being ready for the next day. But the big difference has blinked when I could go to the southernmost point of the Capital with a group of Iranian humanitarians. A place that I named it, Nowhere, A place between old Brick kilns that were a living area for people who had nothing to lose, all of them were drug-addicted and these humanitarians consisted of a group of people who were already addicted to drugs and were able to recover with the help of a non-governmental organization. they prepare meals and bring those meals to the area like this for protecting poor people against the cold weather, death, and hungry and looking for those who may wish to recover from the addiction.